woensdag, juni 27, 2012

Projection mapping in theaters

http://www.spinifexgroup.com/ Heet wel erg mooie projecten op zijn naam:
Zoals ook deze projection mapping kolos.. Ipv echte theater stukken en props gebruiken ze vooral 3D projecties.. ism met Dreamworks en Global Creatures hebben ze een spetterende voorstelling van "How to Train you Dragon" weten om te toveren in een meeslepende verhaal vertellende projectie avontuur..

"In the show, these fantastical beasts are brought to life using animatronics, while the sets, instead of physical, are live projections created by the Spinifex Group. Using the flat surfaces of the stage floor and back wall, they manage to create dynamic, immersive animations that look just as thrilling as a building coming to life."



"From Matt Lock’s (motion designer at Spinifex Group) Vimeo page:
The brief was to take the movie from its original look and portray it in a more illustrative style. The challenges focused around timing the animation to match the choreography of the actors and dragons, while also maintaining a sense of scale and balance between the animatronic creatures and the projected content. In addition, the animation needed to move as one seamless scene across both the wall and floor, serving as a complete theatre set—a first of its kind. I designed and animated the sections showcased in this video."