donderdag, januari 14, 2010

iPhone as RFID Tag & Reader: Coming Soon

iPhone as RFID Tag and RFID Reader coming spring 2010!?

Posted on 14 January 2010 | Add Comment

RFID tags are more functional and flexible than barcodes. While barcodes are cheaper and getting traction in the U.S. with the QR format, the potential for RFID tags is even greater. Apple knows this and if rumors are to believed, RFID will be integrated into the iPhone 4G later this year.

According to a number of believable blog reports, RFID is set to be a part of the as yet unannounced iPhone 4G. Apple holds a patent for a touch screen RFID tag reader and is said to be testing an RFID-enabled iPhone currently. So RFID could be a feature of the iPhone 4G as soon as Spring 2010.

iPhone as RFID Tag & Reader: Coming Soon

iPhone RFID: object-based media from timo on Vimeo.

2010 spring Imagine using RFID reading technology on books so you can place the iphone a certain way on the book and it knows what page you're on and how to show animations. So instead of placing the iphone on one fixed position, it can be placed anywhere on the page. That way it can function as all sorts of "windows" of animations.. Even look/search pages; Look for the little bunny, by moving the iphone on a page.. Can you see the opportunities? I can..

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